Thursday, May 10, 2007

nemia creative

our little baby of a company is coming along...certainly at the expense of tidiness in our small living space. oh well...we're happy and healthy and excited about our new venture.

ian is figuring out everything on his own. designing the website, designing the templates for our cards, teaching himself the various nuances of photoshop. he's itching for a faster computer, and maybe one with a bigger screen, as he frequently finds himself slouched over, neck bent at a funny angle, stiff and sore at the end of a few hours worth of work on the project.

speaking of projects, he is over at nemo's preschool today helping the class with the mother's day project. nemo loves it when he's there, but feels a bit possessive of him when he's trying to help everyone else. nemo loves doing art projects, and even has his own rubbermaid container of supplies...actually, a few containers is more like it. he often asks to "scrap" with me, and the other day we spent a few hours putting together a little accordian-folded book about our day at the everglades national park back in 2004. he had checked out a book from the library about alligators, and we had some great pictures of alligators up close from our bike ride. he took his scrapbook and library book to school on monday for sharing and got to talk about both.

anyway, you can follow the ian's progress on the website by going to
it won't be completely ready for another couple months...we're shooting for a july/august start date. we'll be intially focusing on holiday cards and birth announcements and then go from there. we're pretty proud of it.

1 comment:

John and Judy said...

Great logo. I have an unopened copy of photoshop 7 if you would like it. You might consider just buying a lcd monitor for now and plug it in to your laptop. It would be easier on the eyes. Same with a keyboard and mouse. I'm proud of you guys for doing this, keep up the good work.
